



    美日聯合夏季研討會,自2012年即由東京大學(University of Tokyo) 農學院生命科學研究科國際水產開發研究室與美國羅德島大學(University of Rhode Island)海洋事務系(Department of Marine Affairs)建立常態合作並輪流舉辦的夏季研討會,而2015年由美國羅德島大學主辦,本次活動主軸在於海洋環境變遷與漁業,與會者將與不同文化及學科背景的朋友以分組方式進行小組活動、系列討論及專題研究,並與地方權益相關人對話,使參與者能最直接接觸議題內容,親身參與研究。


Call for Participation – URI International Summer Seminar
NTOU are invited to an international summer seminar along the Atlantic Coast of United States Rhode Island and Massachusetts region in August as described below. We invite TWOgraduate students (Masters and PhD) of College of Ocean Science and Resource to participate in the seminar.

1. Outline of the International Summer Seminar
(1) Dates: Tuesday, 4 August – Friday, 14 August 2015
         (Additional travel time would be required depend on the airplane schedule).
(2) Venue: Communities along the Atlantic Coast of United States Rhode Island and Massachusetts Region
(3) Language: English
(4) Theme: Global warming and Fisheries (see attached draft schedule for detail)
(5) Participating universities: the University of Tokyo; University of Rhode Island (USA); National Taiwan Ocean University (Taiwan)
(6) Scheduled activities:
A series of discussions and presentations on given topics as well as group work among students from various academic backgrounds from different universities
Lectures by professors from the participating universities and stakeholders from site
Field trip (including interviews with local people) 
Participating students are expected to start communicating with each other through email etc. to prepare prior to the seminar.
2. How to Apply
 (1) Requirements for Participation 
Students of Masters or PhD
Those who can participate in the entire schedule from 4-14August 2015 (and additional travel time)
If a candidate cancels his/her participation after being selected, the person is expected to pay the cancelation fee for train tickets etc. 
 (2) Selection Process
 Please fill out an application form, and submit it to the Director Huang, and Institute of Marine Affairs and Resources Management Office by email (Julia@ntou.edu.tw; younh@ntou.edu.tw) before 17:00 on Tuesday, 11 June 2015. Interviews will be conducted at 12:10 June 15 if there are too many applicants. Please note that balance in terms of research fields, and gender will be considered when selecting participants.
3. Expenses
4. Other
Selected participants will be asked to write the report and assist the future International Seminar if host in Taiwan.  Previous activities of 2014 Summer Seminar report is posted in http://imarm-ntou.blogspot.tw/2014/09/2014.html.
5. Contact
Director Hsiang-Wen Huang (Institute of Marine Affairs and Resource Management) Julia@ntou.edu.tw
Chun-Pei LIAO (Sophia), Ph.D. Student, Department of Environmental Biology and Fishery Science, E-mail: a314172427a@hotmail.com



