
塑膠微粒復仇記----專題演講- 韓國Shim 教授

來自韓國海洋科技研究院的首席科學家 Won Joon Shim博士,
Shim 教授畢業於首爾大學,發表超過190篇的論文,是海洋垃圾研究領域的佼佼者。


Revenge of Our Plastics Gone to the Ocean
Global concern over marine plastic pollution resulting from our end-of-life plastic has grown rapidly since the presence of microscopic plastic particles in the ocean and an increasing trend in their abundance were documented in the early 2000s. Microplastics either engineered or fragmented from large plastic debris in the environment present different challenges to larger items which have been widely documented since the 1960s. Microplastics are widely distributed, from lakes to the open ocean, in surface water and deep sea sediments and in various organisms through the trophic levels. As large items fragment into microplastics the abundance of litter increases, and this effectively increases their availability to wildlife. Furthermore, decreasing particle size increases the range of organisms that can ingest the debris. Hence smaller plastics become more bioavailable particularly to small organisms. This increased surface area increases the potential for leaching or desorption of additive or adsorbed chemicals to an organism upon ingestion. However, because of their size detecting the presence of microplastics and adverse biological effects, if any, becomes considerably more challenging. In addition, the persistence of plastic particles in the environment can increase because small plastic particles would be extremely difficult to remove from the environment manually. Commercial species such as mussels, oysters, lobsters and fish are not free from marine microplastic pollution. It is currently not hard to find several pieces of microplastics in some of our seafood stuffs. Although risk of microplastic ingestion by human being and their contribution to toxic chemical load to seafood stuffs are still questionable, plastics gone to the ocean from our hands finally and definitely come back to our mouths.
